Halo Fanon

I senses a reference to my username.Yonde itadaki arigatōgozaimasu, The Halfblood Prepare, for theEnvelopingDarkness 10:08, October 26, 2010 (UTC)

Val'kyr Dark Sig
Ebon Shadowshot — In the name of our Dark Masters. For Yormus. You shall die.
TALK CONTRIBUTIONS — Friday, April 19 2024 (English Standard Time)
Lets hope Stel has been in Cryo for years as he would be 53 at the time of this story; and probably unfit to fight. And I'd like to see Stel kick ass once again.

Stellar Elite — How do I pick lock?
TALK CONTRIBUTIONS — Friday, April 19 2024 (Pacific Standard Time)
@Halfblood: No you ignorant imbecile, it's not a reference to your name. Go away.

@Gruntijackal: You do know the ages between Sangheili and Humans are much, MUCH different, right? Humans live for around 80-100 years if they're lucky. Sangheili live for 180-210 years. However, Stel has been in cryo for a bit of time. Chronologically he's 53, but by his physical structure, he has the body of a 40-ish year old Sangheili. Due to this, he's still actually quite young.

Val'kyr Dark Sig
Ebon Shadowshot — In the name of our Dark Masters. For Yormus. You shall die.
TALK CONTRIBUTIONS — Friday, April 19 2024 (English Standard Time)
ofc Stel. I don't want (or need to) piss you off when it comes to the age of your protagonist; especially when I write a large chunk of his history too. I'm just saying that while 40 is still quite fit (since Humans seem to leave around the age of 40 lately), I have to say, watch his age.

I'm bringing this point out that every story that furthers the line of his little universe with his best buds Doug and Rola increases his age by about half a decade.
